Fall Symposium
November 16th, 2024.
Location: Virtual
Registration Fee:
If you are not a NTSRT Member, please click the + Membership option to pay for your membership.
Student Member $20
Student Symposium + Membership $25
NTSRT Member $45
NTSRT Symposium + Membership $50
Membership is based on annual dues. Register online securely with Pay Pal and receive fast confirmation.
*Email: Email required for registration confirmation, Register online for fast confirmation.
Be sure to register by November 11th. Approved for 6 CE Credit hours for the ASRT & Approved for ARRT CQR. CE credits for ARRT’s CQR vary and may not match ASRT. Submit your CE certificates to the ARRT for CQR credits. Pending approval for MDCB CE Credits.
Certificates to be emailed to attendees.